Thursday, September 25, 2014

Split Semester Classes Change October 7

Speech Class begins the first Tuesday in October

The 8 week Cooking Class will be winding up this Tuesday, September 30. For the second half of the semester a Speech class is offered for students 1st through 6th grade. There will be 2 instructors for this class, allowing a variety of activities for the students. The class will be 12:30—1:25pm. Please see the 2014-2015 Year tab for details. If you have not already enrolled your students for this class but wish to do so, please send an email; or if you are a currently enrolled family of REACH, you may sign up for this class at the admin table this week.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Lunch this Week

We have been enjoying the opportunity to order pizza every other week. This coming Tuesday, September 16 would have been a slated pizza day; however our orders have been getting too large to order the morning of the meal.

The restaurant has asked that we call our order in the day before. So, pack your lunch for this Tuesday and then write down your order at the admin table for what you would like to have the following week, September 23. You do not need to pay until the morning we actually go to pick up the pizza.

We will continue having the pizza order sheet at the admin table a week ahead of the week we eat it.