Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A Few Notes...

Pizza lunches: 

We have a great volunteer who stepped forward offering to pick up pizzas every week; so there will be 2 pizza sign up sheets on the table. One will be for orders for the following week. The other one will have the current weeks orders on it to mark off as you pay. It is important that everyone pay for their order by11:00 so that our pick up person can be all set to go and not be chasing money down. Remember the new price is $5.50.

Spring Break: 

We match our Spring Break to Cornerstone Testing Dates. Those have been set as March 21, 22 and 23; so REACH will not meet on Tuesday, March 22.

Lost and Found: 

A few items have been left at the church. They have been placed above the coat racks in the hallway. Please check and see if you have anything there. It is helpful to have items labeled. Thanks!