Welcome to the Recent Posts Page of the REACH Homeschool Co-op.
We are happy that you are visiting and hope to be of help in your home education journey. This blog opens here, on the most Recent Posts page. You will see the latest general announcements below this initial paragraph. We are busy working on the 2018—2019 school year and have a brief sneak peek below. Stay tuned for more information on that soon.
Currently enrolled families will have an opportunity to enroll before enrollment is opened to the public. Our contact email: reachhomeschoolcoop@gmail.com
A Sneak Peek at the 2018-2019 School Year:
REACH High: That's right. Not only do we think the name is a fun play on words, we are excited to expand the offerings of REACH to help families meet their goals of high school credit classes for their students. In the past we have had a few classes with high school credit worthy texts and work available but now we are filling the schedule with dedicated high school classes. Watch for information soon about classes of World History, Literature, Finances, Economics, Speech, Government focusing on the US Constitution and local government in the spring, Advanced Writing (IEW) and Spanish.
Our KinderPrep program (3's and 4's) will have some exciting changes as our wonderful teachers are working on a special game plan for them.
Middle school and Elementary will have some new class offerings, and Elementary History is expanding to a second class splitting the age groups.
May 1, Current Families Enrollment
This Tuesday is the last class of the school year. Information will be available for currently enrolled families to sign up for next school year. Be sure to also look over information about the Year End Party the following Saturday,
May 5 at 6:00pm.
Year End Party
Saturday, May 5 at 6:00pm
At the end of each school year we have a tradition of celebrating the accomplishments and hard work of our students, parents and teachers. The creative arts and music classes are preparing a brief presentation and the history students will be performing a live history museum. During intermission, appetizers will be enjoyed in the gym while displays of students' work can be viewed.
Families, invite grandparents and other special guest you would like to celebrate with you. The program will begin at 6pm in the sanctuary. We are blessed to have a Town and Country Christian Church sound tech to assist with the drama and music portion of the ceremony and there are special assisted listening devices available upon request.