Welcome to the Recent Posts Page of the REACH Homeschool Co-op.
We are happy that you are visiting and hope to be of help in your home education journey. This blog opens here, on the most Recent Posts page. You will see the latest general announcements below this initial paragraph. For information on KinderPrep through Middle School see the Fall Semester 2018 tab. FOR HIGH SCHOOL, See REACH High School, Fall 2018 tab
Our contact email: reachhomeschoolcoop@gmail.com
Enrollment for Fall Semester 2018
Enrollments will be taken in person. Currently attending families had the first opportunity to enroll at the end of this school year and next is open enrollment. Upcoming dates are below:
Tuesday, June 5, 9:00am—noon
Town and Country Christian Church gym
We decided to take the opportunity of being at the church for open enrollment (which starts an hour later (10am til noon) to host a book fair.
Please feel free to come check out the book fair or have a table to sell your extra books. You do not need to be a part of REACH co-op to participate in the book fair. There is no cost for setting up a table, we only ask that you set up and put away the church table that you use. (Someone can assist you if needed.)
Email reachhomeschoolcoop@gmail.com if you are going to come sell so we have an idea of space. Thank you.
Next Open Erollment opportunities:
June 5, Tuesday between 10:00am and 12:00noon at our host church, Town and Country Christian Church, 4925 SW 29th Street. Come meet the teachers, ask questions, get information and enroll your students.
Book fair will be going on from 9:00am —12:00noon.
August 4: Last chance enrollment at a meet and greet party at Town and Country Christian Church, 6:00pm to 8:00pm.
Currently our KinderPrep and Kindergarten have waiting lists. If there is enough interest we will pursue opening another classroom so please be sure to put your name on the list if interested.