Jump back in time:
Whatever your choice in History curriculum, this class will be a great reinforcement and enhancement to anyone studying the time frame of 1815 to the present.
Through the use of Veritas Press History Timecards we will study 32 major events chronologically from the Monroe Doctrine to present-day America. We will study inventions and talk about people whose character we’d like to emulate. The use of a memory song will be a fun way to get this timeline in our heads. We will also study a little Kansas History as it became a state in 1861, and have some hands on projects.
Students will enjoy making a lap book highlighting the things they have learned.
We also hope to make some field trips available. They will be scheduled outside of class time.
“Learning history chronologically has proven invaluable in the lives of many children. By memorizing names, dates, places and events, children gain a valuable tool for understanding how God is working today and what He has done during many past events. Furthermore, they are following classical methodology by memorizing this material which is presented in a variety of ways that makes the memory work quite enjoyable. We’ve heard countless examples of how students who used this curriculum were able to routinely contextualize more in depth study in later years--and that is exactly what needs to happen. Knowing a chronological sequence or time line of history is a crucial part of anyone’s education. This program will do just that.
This series covers the majority of the 19th and 20th centuries. Included are the War Between the States, the two World Wars and numerous great inventions that have so dramatically affected our lives. Again, we see how God has continued to work in history to His glory.”
This class is for 1st through 6th graders.
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