Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Welcome to the Recent Posts Page of the REACH Homeschool Co-op.

We are happy that you are visiting and hope to be of help in your home education journey. This blog opens here, on the most Recent Posts page. You will see the latest general announcements below this initial paragraph. For information on KinderPrep through Middle School see the Fall Semester 2019 tab. FOR HIGH SCHOOL, See REACH High School, Fall 2019 tab.
 Our contact email:

Valentine's Day:
Each year we give our students the opportunity to show off their creativeness and enjoy treating their friends to kind words and candy in celebration of Valentine's Day. This year we will celebrate on February 12! Please read the following instructions.

Students make/decorate a container to collect their valentines from their classmates and bring valentines to distribute in others. It is important that they are signed up at the check in counter for their respective age group. This will signify that they are going to be there on the 12th and participate in distributing valentines and having a container to receive theirs. Parents will use these lists to prepare so it is important that if your student(s) will be there and want to participate that names are on the appropriate lists. 

Everyone: Please make sure your names are marked clearly on your containers. Please remember not to bring anything with nuts or which has been processed in the same facility as nuts (cross contamination). We also have several families that can not have gluten. Non-food valentine treats are always encouraged and you can find many ideas on the internet. 
Thank you!

KinderPrep and Kindergarten classes will celebrate within each class. 
On February 12 take your treats and containers right to your own classrooms and the teachers will give you further instructions. 

1st — 3rd and 4th — 6th graders are broken into groups. On February 12 take your container to the marked tables in the lobby check in area. You will have until mid lunch to pass out your valentines. About halfway through lunch students will be directed about retrieving their containers and any parent approved goodies can be enjoyed.

7th Graders — High School take your containers to the marked tables in the lobby. You will have until lunch to pass out your valentines. A few students are done at noon so try to pass out your items by then. About halfway through lunch the remaining students will be directed to retrieve their containers. 

It is always fun to see everyone's creativity!

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