REACH High School Spring 2025


School Calendar 2024—2025

Fall Semester 2024: Tuesdays, Aug 13-November 26
Parent Meeting July 23, 2024
Semester End Celebrations: Dec 3, Time TBD

Spring Semester 2025: Tuesdays, Jan. 7—April 29
Valentine's Exchange: February 13 during REACH class hours 
Closed for Spring Break, March 11
Year End party: May 3, Time TBD

Spring 2025 Schedule:

Class Descriptions are below. Tuitions are per student, per class, per semester. There is a family registration fee of $35 per semester. See the Parent Page for details on enrollment.

*Books shown on the blog may be linked for purchase. Clicking on the book will take you to a site outside of this webpage.*

Literature and Composition  9:00am–9:55am

Teacher: Jennifer Hildebrandt

Tuition: $50, plus $10 supply fee

Minimum enrollment requirement of 6 students. If that number is not reached, the class will be withdrawn from the schedule.

Required textbook:  

Windows to the World (student book only) – IEW

Literature can change and shape a person, but only if an author is successful in conveying their message. Using the Windows to the World curriculum from IEW, high school student will learn how to analyze the primary elements of literature: setting, plot, characterization, irony, imagery, allusions, parallelism, and much more.
Additionally, they will gain a solid base in one of the most common (but difficult to learn) types of composition expected by professors in university settings: literary analysis. Students will read a lesson (many with literary excerpts) before completing a variety of associated assignments.

In class students will be expected to take notes as well as participate in class discussions and activities. Students will be expected to complete work, including reading, assignments, some research, and occasional projects, at home.
English/Language Arts cycle: This course is part of a suggested 4-year cycle (Early Mid American Literature, Mid-Modern American Literature, World Literature, and Literature and Composition) for high schoolers that meets the standards for graduation set by the state of Kansas. Students may join the cycle at any point.
Students will need access to a free Gmail account* as I send reading assignments, videos, and classwork to a Google Classroom.
*It is not necessary for students to have a personal Gmail account. It can be a shared account with a parent or created solely for class. They will need to be able to access it daily. If they are in one of my other classes, only one Gmail is needed. I will not use this Gmail for anything other than class. If you have any questions
about Gmail or Google Classroom, please ask!

World History  10:00am–10:55am
Tuition $50, plus $10 supply fee
Teacher: Jennifer Hildebrandt

Minimum enrollment requirement of 6 students. If that number is not reached, the class will be withdrawn from the schedule.

Curriculum to Purchase: World History – MasterBooks Curriculum

Historical content covered in this survey of world history will include the study of Mesopotamia, the Jewish Exile, Egyptian Life, Greece, Life in Athens, Roman Life, Early Church history, Indian (South Asian) History, Persian History, Chinese History, the Middle Ages, the Crusades, the Renaissance, the Reformation, German History, the World Wars, and South Africa. By completing required work and participating in class, students will develop an understanding of world history trends, philosophies, and events.
In class students will be expected to take notes as well as participate in class discussions and activities. Students will be expected to complete work, including reading, assignments, some research, and occasional projects, at home. Tests and quizzes will be completed both in class and online via Google Classroom.
Social Studies cycle: This course is part of a suggested 4-year cycle (American History, US Government, World Geography and Cultures, and World History) for high schoolers that meets the standards for graduation set by the state of Kansas. Students may join the cycle at any point.
Students will need access to a free Gmail account* as I send reading assignments, videos, and classwork to a Google Classroom.
*It is not necessary for students to have a personal Gmail account. It can be a shared account with a parent or created solely for class. They will need to be able to access it daily. If they are in one of my other classes, only one Gmail is needed. I will not use this Gmail for anything other than class. If you have any questions about Gmail or Google Classroom, please ask!

Finances/Stewardship  11:00am-12:00noon
Teacher: Adell Aubert


Tuition $50, plus $10 supply fee

Curriculum to Purchase: Foundations in Personal Finance High School Edition: Home School Student Text (new edition) by Dave Ramsey 
Supplies needed: pencil and notebook
This class has a FOUR student minimum. If that size is not reached, the class will be withdrawn from the schedule. 

Adell brings a practical approach to this class as she walks through the lessons with the students to enhance their understanding of sound financial principles. Students will watch presentations from the Ramsey staff in class while reading through the workbook. Learning activities (such as how to draw up a monthly budget, how to write a resume or understanding how investing works) will be completed both in class and at home as needed. This is a two semester course, 
students will earn 0.5 credits per school year with successful completion of additional work (short essays, additional reading, etc).

Curriculum may be purchased at or by clicking on the book images above.

High School Biology 12:30pm-1:30pm
Tuition $90 (+ Lab fee TBD based on enrollment) *Textbook required*
Teacher: Jennifer Hildebrandt

Minimum enrollment requirement of 6 students. If that number is not reached, the class will be withdrawn from the schedule.

Required textbook:  Discovering Design with Biology – Berean Builders

Note: This class is intended for high school students who are either currently taking or have completed
Algebra 1. If your student has not done this, please contact me prior to enrolling in this class.

Note #2: In the state of Kansas, high school students are expected to earn a minimum of 3 credits of science which include biological, physical, and earth and space science. To earn credit for a high school science class, a lab portion is necessary along with regular classwork. To make sure high school students earn this credit in Biology, they will be REQUIRED to attend a second day of class on the 1st and 3rd Fridays from 10:00-12:00 to perform labs and complete additional requirements. If your student does not attend both days, they will NOT earn high school credit for this class. Students who attend both classes and successfully complete assignments will earn 0.5 credit per semester. There will be an additional fee for lab supplies (to be determined based on enrollment).

Discovering Design with Biology gives students an introduction to how living organisms are designed, how they interact with one another, and how they interact with their physical environment. Students are taught how biologists classify life, the chemical processes that make life possible, the structures of RNA and DNA, and the designs of the different cells found in living organisms. Students also learn how photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and cellular reproduction occur. With the molecular and cellular basis of life covered, the students are then given a survey of the different kinds of organisms found in nature: archaea, bacteria, protists, fungi, invertebrates, vertebrates, and plants. The students then learn the biogeochemical cycles that keep environments hospitable to life, which leads to a discussion of ecosystems. Throughout the course, students see that life is the result of design and that organisms have been given the ability to adapt to their surroundings. In addition, they learn various problems associated with the modern evolutionary synthesis.
In class students will be expected to take notes as well as participate in class discussions and activities.
Students will be expected to complete work, including reading, assignments, some research, and occasional projects, at home.

Science Cycle: This course is part of a suggested 4-year cycle for high schoolers that meets the standards for graduation set by the state of Kansas. Recommended order of completion: Year 1-Earth/Physical Science, Year 2-Biology, Year 3-Chemistry, Year 4-Physics. *While this is the recommended order, it is not required. Students may take classes in the order that fits their schedule best.
Students will need access to a free Gmail account* as I send reading assignments, videos, and classwork to a Google Classroom.
*It is not necessary for students to have a personal Gmail account. It can be a shared account with a parent or created solely for class. They will need to be able to access it daily. If they are in one of my other classes, only one Gmail is needed. I will not use this Gmail for anything other than class. If you have any questions about Gmail or Google Classroom, please ask!

High School Photography 12:30pm-1:25pm

7th-12th grade

Teacher: Amy Anderson

Tuition: $50, plus a $5 supply fee

Curriculum: Smart Phone Smart Photography by Jo Bradford

Supplies Needed: A folder with pockets OR 3-ring binder (½-1” is fine) with pockets on the inside covers, notebook paper, pens/pencils.

Take cool and creative photos with your phone, tablet, or camera! This class will be mostly taught from the perspective of taking pictures with a smartphone. Learn about all of the settings on your device's camera and understand what aperture, shutter speed, and ISO mean. Discover more about the inner workings of how a camera functions. Study reflections, angles, lighting, composition, and more! No prior knowledge of photography is needed. 

Students are expected to participate in reading assignments (homework) and emailing or uploading photos each week. The weekly assignments given will include reading, research, a little writing, and of course, picture taking! Parents may tailor the assignments to suit the student’s age and ability. Part of our time in class will be sharing our photos and hearing how their photo creations went (what went well, questions they had, additional ideas, etc). Students will need to bring their textbook to class each week.

Curriculum may be purchased at or by clicking on the book image above.

Minimum enrollment requirement of 5 students. If that number is not reached, the class will be withdrawn from the schedule. (Maximum of 18)

High School Cooking Class 

Available in Spring 2025 at 12:30pm-1:25pm AND 1:30pm-2:25pm

7th-12th grade

Teacher: April Stauffer

Tuition: $40 + $20 supply fee 

Curriculum to Purchase: None

Supplies Needed: none

In this semester of cooking class I will be helping the students become more autonomous in the kitchen. Basic cooking skills will be required for this class. Students should be familiar with common cooking terms/methods and have experience in the kitchen. One additional food item per family will need to be purchased during the semester (under $5). 

*Note for high schooler students*- this class by itself would not count for high school credit. However, if you would like ideas for how this could count for a partial credit, please email me. 

Minimum enrollment requirement of 5 students. If that number is not reached, the class will be withdrawn from the schedule. (Maximum of 18)

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