Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Thank You!
We had such a good time at the end of the year party. Thanks for coming.  Students, seeing some of your work around the room was great. You all put in hard work and personal touches to your projects that made them special. I caught a few pictures to put up here. 

Thank you to Chrissy and team for putting together a fun carnival to end the evening!

Thank you to everyone who contributed so much to the teamwork and spirit of REACH this year.

We are really excited about next year! We have some new classes      and more teachers. Be watching for the 2014—2015 school year tab to be up at the end of the week. In the meantime, if you scroll down the most recent posts you will see the schedule. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Year End Potluck Party
Remember our year end celebration party Saturday, April 26 at 6:00pm. Guests who are interested in REACH and meeting some of the families, please come and join us. Guests do not need to bring food.

Current REACH families: Please bring one main dish plus one side or dessert to share.
Doors will open at 5:30pm for current families to bring food and any displays to set up so that we will be ready to eat at 6:00pm.

A Sneak Peak at 2014-2015 School Year!
Watch for more details coming soon.

Tuesdays beginning August 12



Kinder Prep
1st -6th Grades

Ages 3-4

Science   1st -3rd Grades
Science 4th-6th grades



1st -3rd Grades
4th -6th Grades


K -3rd Grades
4th -6th Grades




1st 8 weeks
1st-6th Grades
Latin Class: Interest based. Please email if interested.
6th Grade

2nd 8 weeks 
1st-6th Grades


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Report from the field...

Wow! Two more great field trips and two more places commending our students on their behavior. Great job! It really says something when more than one person at a place goes out of their way to express their delight with the behavior of the students and their younger siblings.

At the end of March we enjoyed a trip to Hazel Hill. The people there were great, and what can I say? There was chocolate. The kids enjoyed learning a little about where chocolate comes from and how it is turned into such wonderful treats. They were able to try their hands at dipping their own pretzels to eat. The most adventurous tidbit that was sampled? I guess it would have to be the chocolate covered bacon!

Our latest field trip was to the Federal Reserve Bank in Kansas City. Students watched a video then were taken through the Money Museum. It was interesting to see the variety of coins that were used during the different presidencies. There were quite a few comments about the half penny and 3 cent coins. Upon departure each student was given a bag of money! Too bad they had to shred it first!

Thank you everyone for making these such nice trips!