Saturday, September 9, 2017

Welcome to the Recent Posts Page of the REACH Homeschool Co-op.

We are happy that you are visiting and hope to be of help in your home education journey. This blog opens here, on the most Recent Posts page. You will see the latest general announcements below this initial paragraph. Check out the other pages for detailed information about our co-op.   Please email us at if you have any questions. 


Areas of Parent Partnership:
Yearbook Coordinator

School is off to a great start, and that is because it is a wonderful combined effort by so many people. Thank you to the church staff, the teachers and to parents for filling in to help in various ways. Please continue to look over the sheets at the check in table to see if there are any open spots where you could assist. We do have one area we would like to fill as soon as possible. That is our year book coordinator. We want to make sure we are getting pictures throughout the entire year. 
If you are curious about doing this, please see contact us for details.

Remember to check for all your belongings before you leave. Several items were left in the gym last week; they have been placed in the coat storage area.