Thursday, July 18, 2019

Welcome to the Recent Posts Page of the REACH Homeschool Co-op.
The blog opens here, on the most Recent Posts page. You will see the latest general announcements below this initial paragraph. The schedule for the upcoming school year is toward the bottom of this post and, class descriptions are underneath the labeled tabs.  We are happy that you are visiting and hope to be of help in your home education journey. Our contact email:

Upcoming Events:

Final Enrollment Opportunity for Fall Semester 2019: 

July 30: Tuesday, 6:00pm8:00pm
Enrollment and Book Fair 
There was interest in having this opportunity also be a book fair so we are happy to accommodate!  If you would like to have a table please email administration at  (You do not need to be a member of REACH)

*Note August 6** is mandatory parent and student assembly at 9:00am and then students will go through all their classes at a shortened, accelerated pace. Students are dismissed after the conclusion of their last class. The final classes will end at noon. A schedule will be posted ahead of time. This preparation day will allow August 13, the first week of full period classes, to be more productive. 

*If you have an absolute conflict in your schedule with this August 6 meeting, please email administration at

The August 6 accelerated class schedule is immediately below. Following that is the regular schedule which begins August 13.

School Year 2019—2020

Here is a the schedule for the upcoming school year. Class descriptions and other information can be found under the other page tabs.

We are excited about the upcoming school year and our upcoming new look! Here is a little bit of a sneak preview: